Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mr. Lee's Ice Bucket Challenge!

A past high school student that I taught nominated me for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.


I nominated three other people.  Remember, you have 24 hours to either donate or find a friend to help dump a bucket of ice water on you.  Remember to post your video on your blog.  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Current Events

For those of you who are looking for a website that will give you tons of current events from around the world, here are a few sites you can visit.  Just make sure you print the article you are going to use.

Kiwi Kids News

Times for Kids


CNN Student News

GoGo News

How To Shoot a Basketball!

For all of you who want to learn how to shoot a basketball perfectly, here is a video that shows you how!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

6th Grade Chapel Ideas!

Hey 6th graders,

We have the responsibility of giving a message during chapel in December, and as you know, "with great power comes great responsibility."  

Click comment and give some ideas so we can start making an epic chapel presentation.  Any idea is okay.

-Mr. Lee-

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Second Semester!

Hey 6th Graders,

I hope you had a good long break because second semester is about to begin next week.
Here's a checklist for you to look over before you come to school next week:

1.  Do you have all your school supplies packed?

2.  Do you have your summer NASA project finished?

3.  Did you upload the summer project step-by-step pictures to your blog?

4.  Did you update your blogs and post what you did for the summer?

5.  Did you get enough rest?

School will start on the 18th.  Make sure you're ready for an amazing second semester!